Considerations to select your animal research software

Teams need to comply with USDA regulations and organizational policies for the care and use of animals in their animal research. But with the umpteen specimens, bulky study data, and constant monitoring that is required, researchers and LARS staff can easily lose track of the status of their lab animals. On top of it, tracking current animals in your collection, including acquisition information, taxonomy information, physical characteristics, and breeding status is needed whether you have a full-time registrar or you are the owner of the animals. This often can lead to lags and failures with manual management. Software and an appropriate process is the only solution.

But, as proved time and again not all software is the same. A good software solution should have the ability and features for investigators to track the number of animals approved, and how many animals they have already used/procured and when the protocol/study would expire. Also, the application should have the features of tracking the health information throughout the life of the animal.

This health information can be general health of the animal or health-related to the research study in which the animal is used. Facility managers should be able to generate the census daily (without information compiled manually), be able to track the orders for purchases and their receipts, be able to generate the invoices for the purchases, per diem charges, and the services/supplies provided by the facility. Facility staff should also be able to track the number of animals in the facility (as a part of the census) and also track the number of animals used in each protocol/study. Investigators and facility managers should be able to access the same information (from each of their perspectives). This would help in having a common understanding of different aspects related to the facility.

Laboratory animal facility management software helps you achieve these objectives. It contains features in three general categories: Animal records, Financial management records, and Compliance records. Animal records module contain features related to the information of the source of the animal, species of the animal, gender, and any other characteristics, the date of receipt of the animal, and other animal disposition information. Animal records must also contain features to identify protocols on which the animal was used, and diagnostic and medical procedures used on the animal. It should also contain proper labelling features.

Financial management records are necessary for cost analysis. These records include census records, billing, and payment records of investigators or protocols. Cost analysis records include personnel activity reports and respective man-hours costs, cost of procuring animals, facility management costs to keep up the required hygiene, and other related cost.

Compliance records are required for adherence to the Animal Welfare Act, the Public Health Service Policy on the Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, and any other applicable laws and regulations. These records include protocol reviews and approvals, number of animals and species approved and used for each protocol, reviews of animal care and the state of facilities. It could also contain staff training and facility security records.

Key Solution’s software, Animal Subjects (IACUC), is an end-to-end solution that will help you with the above features. Our IACUC compliance module facilitates the review and monitoring of every research protocol involving animals, both USDA species and otherwise. It helps with Comprehensive Review, Protocol Amendments, and Document Version Control as well. The LARS module integrates the entire facility management process online. It helps with consolidated billing and Invoice generation, to track and prepare for an audit. Lab Animal Health System (LAHS) module provides comprehensive assistance for effortless health management of the animals in your facility. It helps maintain Health Records, report incidents, take remedial action and guide veterinarians in nursing the animals back to health.

Contact us today to learn more about our solution.

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