COVID-19 Pandemic: An opportunity in digital transformation for research teams

COVID-19 has significantly impacted research study operations, particularly in the realm of IRB meetings and processes. The pandemic necessitated a rapid shift to virtual meetings using platforms like Zoom and Google Meet. While digital technologies provided flexibility for remote work and virtual subject enrollment, studies requiring physical presence faced challenges. Key Solutions offers recommendations and best practices to navigate these changes, including provisions for virtual visits, remote monitoring, and protocol flexibility.

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Common Rule

The Common Rule

Human Subjects Research: Individuals who are the subjects of research will be asked to contribute their time and assume risk to advance the research enterprise, which benefits society at large. U.S. federal regulations governing the protection of human subjects in research have been in existence for more than three decades. The Department of Health, Education,

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Common Rule, IRB

Improving IRB Performance

Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are assigned with the critical job of reviewing, approving, and monitoring research involving humans. One of the main responsibilities of an IRB is to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects from harm – be it physical or psychological. With such responsibility resting on their shoulders, it is imperative that

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IRB, Research Compliance
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