Research Administration

eCOI – Making Investigators Life Easy

Managing disclosures and conflicts of interest (COI) with outdated, paper-based systems is increasingly challenging as workforces evolve and globalize. Modern COI management requires a technological upgrade to handle compliance effectively. eCOI software offers a comprehensive solution for automating COI processes, ensuring compliance, and reducing risks. With features like multi-level branching questionnaires, automated reminders, and data reporting tools, eCOI simplifies the management of conflicts of interest and commitment, making compliance effortless and error-free.

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Conflict of Interest, eRA application

A basic approach to submitting first application

The US Federal Government offers grants for research through, which provides detailed information and a streamlined application process via its ‘Learning Center.’ To simplify and enhance grant management, Key Solutions developed the eGrants module, a user-friendly tool that assists with application creation, submission, and post-submission tracking. eGrants serves as a central repository for institutional data, increasing efficiency and improving the chances of securing funding.

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Grants Management workspace

Get to know workspace.

The US Federal Government provides financial support through grants for research benefiting public interest via This platform offers a ‘Learning Center’ to guide applicants on categories, policies, and eligibility. Once registered, applicants receive a workspace to manage their grant applications efficiently. Key Solutions’ eGrants module further simplifies grant management, offering a user-friendly tool to streamline the application process and enhance the chances of securing funding.

Get to know workspace. Read More »

eRA, Grants Management
Common Rule

The Common Rule

Human Subjects Research: Individuals who are the subjects of research will be asked to contribute their time and assume risk to advance the research enterprise, which benefits society at large. U.S. federal regulations governing the protection of human subjects in research have been in existence for more than three decades. The Department of Health, Education,

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Common Rule, IRB

A Fast-track approach to COI process automation

Existence (or assumption) of a Conflict of Interest (eCOI) has the potential to jeopardize a research project and tarnish the reputation of the research organization conducting the investigation. An important part of research administration is to eliminate existence of COI before it can have a damaging effect on the study being performed. As a part

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Conflict of Interest, Research Compliance

Importance of COI Disclosures in Research Organizations

A conflict of interest (eCOI) is a situation in which personal or financial considerations may cloud the judgment of a professional. The professional could be a doctor, lawyer, accountant, or a researcher. For example, if a researcher is provided with financial grants from a pharmaceutical company to conduct his/her research, the researcher may be inclined

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Conflict of Interest, Research Administration
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