COVID-19 Pandemic: An opportunity in digital transformation for research teams

COVID-19 has significantly impacted research study operations, particularly in the realm of IRB meetings and processes. The pandemic necessitated a rapid shift to virtual meetings using platforms like Zoom and Google Meet. While digital technologies provided flexibility for remote work and virtual subject enrollment, studies requiring physical presence faced challenges. Key Solutions offers recommendations and best practices to navigate these changes, including provisions for virtual visits, remote monitoring, and protocol flexibility.

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Transitioning your stem cell research from complexity to compliant: More progress with minimal paperwork

In a digital age, laboratories can revolutionize their compliance infrastructure with digital compliance solutions. These solutions enhance collaboration, streamline documentation, and simplify the review, approval, and audit lifecycle of research work. This is especially crucial for stem cell research, which must meet stringent regulatory requirements. Key Solutions offers a comprehensive SCRO module that facilitates compliance for stem cell research by providing complete version control, audit trails, and integration with other compliance modules.

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Compliance, eRA, Research Compliance

eCOI – Making Investigators Life Easy

Managing disclosures and conflicts of interest (COI) with outdated, paper-based systems is increasingly challenging as workforces evolve and globalize. Modern COI management requires a technological upgrade to handle compliance effectively. eCOI software offers a comprehensive solution for automating COI processes, ensuring compliance, and reducing risks. With features like multi-level branching questionnaires, automated reminders, and data reporting tools, eCOI simplifies the management of conflicts of interest and commitment, making compliance effortless and error-free.

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Conflict of Interest, eRA workspace

Get to know workspace.

The US Federal Government provides financial support through grants for research benefiting public interest via This platform offers a ‘Learning Center’ to guide applicants on categories, policies, and eligibility. Once registered, applicants receive a workspace to manage their grant applications efficiently. Key Solutions’ eGrants module further simplifies grant management, offering a user-friendly tool to streamline the application process and enhance the chances of securing funding.

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eRA, Grants Management
Post Approval Monitoring

Post Approval Monitoring- Comprehensive and Integrated Research

Post Approval Monitoring (PAM) is crucial for ensuring that research involving humans and animals adheres to regulatory requirements. PAM involves the IRB and IACUC, which set guidelines for research protocols to protect subjects. Key Solutions offers integrated PAM software that streamlines compliance processes, allowing researchers to focus on their work while maintaining adherence to protocols. The software’s features include assigning inspections, recording processes, and ensuring compliance with IRB and IACUC standards, enhancing the credibility and effectiveness of research.

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Compliance, eRA, Research Compliance
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